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Biblioteca Leonardiana
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Fast-access Keys (access key)

Special keys of fast-access have been predisposed, that allow to activate a specific link through the pressure of a date sequence of keys. These keys are clearly suitable close to the link through a letter or a number among parenthesis.
In environment Windows is gotten with the sequence: Halt + Access key and then Dispatch, in environment Mac OS with the sequence Ctrl + Access key.

In all the pages of the site the following Access are defined key:

• Access key 0: begin page (inside every page, the consumer brings to the beginning of the document).
• Access key 1: Access to the searches on the Collective Catalog;
• Access key 2: Access to the page of preselezione of the single catalogs and search inside the same;
• Access key 3: Access to other Opac;
• Access key L: Search for lists;
• Access key C: Search for fields;
• Access key R: Free search;
• Access key N: News' search;
• Access key G: Guide
• Access key A: Fast-access Keys (this page);
• Access key O: You go to the initial page of the Opac (Italian language)
• Access key E: Opac in English language
• Access key D: Opac in German language
• Access key S: Opac in Spanish language
• Access key F: Opac in French language

Biblioteca Leonardiana - Last update: 21-10-2024 21:32:39 - Records in OPAC:  36551
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